Join us May 14 at 10 am Pacific to watch Dr. Whites talk! You can set a reminder by visiting the YouTube page.

Welcome to organic cultivators

“We Grow Everything”

A hub for organic and natural farming for food and cannabis cultivation, we focus on regenerative practices that nurture the life in our soil. We are inclusionary to all natural farming methods and advocate the implementation of advanced systems in agriculture that foster data driven proof that natural farming works. The use of regenerative farming methods improves soil structure, reduces pollution from runoff, and sequesters carbon. Our mission is to save farmers money and improve the mineral and nutrient content of our food and medicine through education. Help us spread the word by sharing our site and joining in the fun as we continue to grow and move into this beautiful future we are trying to create for our children!

OC Mission Statement: to educate consumers, growers, and farmers on regenerative agricultural systems and shift our food and medicine cultivation away from industrial agricultural models, and thereby create a positive paradigm shift and be a part of saving the planet.

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